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Anatolijus Šenderovas.  Music for StringsAnatolijus Šenderovas
Music for Strings

Art Vio | FortVio
Ingrida Rupaitė-Petrikienė | Kristijonas Venslovas
Tomas Petrikis | Povilas Jacunskas 
Indrė Baikštytė 

Catalog number 21102

The CD Music for Strings of Anatolijus Šenderovas, one of the most prominent Lithuanian composers, the laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize for Culture and Art, embraces fifteen years (2000-2015) of his chamber oeuvre and reveals the most typical features of his music, i.e. profound emotionalism, temperate modernism and intense dramaturgy.
The recording offers the possibility to hear one of the most significant pieces of Lithuanian music of the recent years – the String Quartet No.3 by Šenderovas – and reflects the creative friendship of the composer with the noted ensembles established firmly in the Lithuanian music elite – the piano trio FortVio and string quartet Art Vio.
The CD also includes the versions of the two pieces dedicated to world-famous Lithuanian German cellist David Geringas to mark the extraordinary friendship and long-standing cooperation of these two artists.