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Sergej Rachmaninow Sinfonie Nr. 1 in d-moll  Dortmunder Philharmoniker Ltg. Gabriel Feltz

Sergej Rachmaninow
Sinfonie Nr. 1 in d-moll

Dortmunder Philharmoniker
Gabriel Feltz

Catalog number  21100

Right up to the present day Sergei Rachmaninoff’s works are all too easily characterised as being “romantic salon music”. Especially just after the Second World War Rachmaninoff’s long melodic phrases and the voluptuous sound of his compositions were often regarded as being somewhat dubious. Even today many critics hold his music to be sentimental and ornate. These judgements and characterisations are, however, often made taking only a very small part of Rachmaninoff’s complete oeuvre into account. A large part of this is, even today, scarcely known in Germany. The First Symphony, which he composed at the age of 22, is one of these works. It gives us a completely new perspective on this supposedly well-known composer. 

 "This may well be the best performance yet.“  Steven Kruger in New York Arts

"Gabriel Feltz and his Dortmunders play as if the ink on the score were still wet.. .The playing is outstanding.“ Kal Rubinson in stereophile