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Friedhelm Döhl Edition Volume 6

Friedhelm Döhl Edition Vol. 6
Cellokonzert - Klavierkonzert - Zorch

SYMPHONIE - for cello and orchestra
SOMMEREISE - Piano concerto
ZORCH - Sound-Scene for bigband and three open grand pianos

Heinrich Schiff, cello

Rundfunksinfonieorchester Saarbrücken

Hans Zender

Rudolf Buchbinder, piano

Bamberger Symphoniker

Horst Stein

Klaus Martin Ziegler

Grand pianos: Harald Bojé, Jolyon Brettingham-Smith, Robert Spillmann

catalog number 21028

"It is the dark side of the Romantic era which is above all invoked by the ‘Symphony for Cello and Orchestra’. Döhl writes strong and expressive music. The piano concerto ‘Sommerreise’ is much lighter and has a rather happy, rhythmically-pointed quality. The virtuoso-playful character of the first movement is in stark contrast to the richly-coloured sounds with which the second and third movements open. Döhl himself speaks in this context of a summer sky-scape."
Martin Demmler in Fono Forum

"Döhls music represents a central aesthetic position of new art. To him, composing is asking questions of his 'self', music is a medium which he uses in his dealings with a world, whose brokenness and fragility is to be brought to light through art… The partial frugality of the angular contours, repetitive rhythms and glaring contrasts have a direct correlation to highly expressive cantability and dionysistic sound sensuality."
Wilfried Gruhn, in 'Metzlers Composers Lexicon'


About the Friedhelm Döhl Edition

"Edition of the year" - Tilmann Urbach, Fono Forum 12/2009

"Performances and supporting documentation are admirable."
Cambridge University Press

"Une voix des profondeurs dans le désert du présent"
Fred Audin/ ClassiqueInfo-Disque, 02/2009